Generate PDFs automatically
Are you bored from repetitive creation of the same documents each day/week/month? With python and fpdf2 library you can create the script which will do it for you!
Today, I will demonstrate such a simple document generation, so you could try it by yourself.
First, I will use FPDF2 library:
Install it by running command in shell:
Create new empty python file and import libraries:
I need some sample text data to be the document created of (notice, that two-dimensional array could be easily generated by one line in python):
Init the document:
This code is self explanatory:
Insert date and time and line break:
Insert some other text in loop:
I will create the table, which can be displayed on more pages. When the table reaches new page, script will generate also table header. or this, I will write function, which will create table header:
I will start the table by calling:
Generate the table (if there is page break, create also table header):
My document is now finished. Lets save it:
The documentation of FPDF2 library:
That’s all for today, and I hope you will have a good one.